“Artifacts of Partnership“:

There many meanings that can be ascribed to each “artifact” in this work for the University Center and Sioux Falls Sculpture Walk. The desire of this work is that you, the viewer also bring your experience and knowledge into play- “what do these things have in common - you might think- what is she getting at here? Or you identify with it as a whole or in part. A bit of a puzzle for you- it was one for me- then it was down to brass tacks- maybe inspire someone- or just amuse... And perhaps delight. The little artifact lunettes are my take on the various scroll windows on our computers- the lay out a slight take an the Italian Renaissance, composing on various lines, curves triangles and such. The artifact lunettes / windows connect in the thought of partnerships, invention- process- design and conservation practices.

Word: Partnership

Wikipedia: “Partnerships present the involved parties with special challenges that must be navigated unto agreement. Overarching goals, levels of give-and-take, areas of responsibility, lines of authority and , how success is evaluated and distributed, - often a variety of other factors must all be negotiated”.-

Balance Scales: everything has a measure of weight- Mass is weighed, as are thoughts- justice is desired- as is health and good commerce. If you burn or otherwise destroy an object it’s weight can still be measured and it will have the same measurable weight as in the previous state.-DaVinci desired improvements in the mass measuring device, my nod to him and all inventors is the wind turbine.

State Capitol: designers -engineers and laborers formed partnerships to build the “House of South Dakota“. Partnerships design codified law in respect to industry, technology, health and educational practices.

Wind Turbine: capturing the wind, new ideas, new inventions, or innovations on great ideas of the past- necessary changes to new challenges- everyone has the gift, an opportunity and responsibility to participate.

American Bison- partnership with nature - conservation- and new ideas founded on previous knowledge. Nature is removed from most us living in cities, but our partnership- if balanced -can be a positive force.

-Nancyjane Huehl

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